Yeah, so this Peace Corps jazz is really getting on my last nerve. I finally got all of my medical forms in the mail and once they are filled out by the various doctors that I must visit, I will receive my invitation into the Corps. Funny thing is, more and more things seem to be getting in the way of this whole process--for example--today I went to the dentist to get a few teeth filled (they really didn't need it, but the dentist thought it would be a good idea to fill them anyway...Bastard.) As I am sitting there waiting on the whole wonderful experience to begin, the dentist says that he would only like to do half of the fillings today and the others at a later date. Being the idiot that I am, I told him to go ahead and get them all out of the way. This decision meant that I received 4 (yeah that's what I said--4) shots. The kicker is that I only needed 2, but the dentist, who is new, didn't get them in the right spots the first time. Do you know the thoughts that were running through my head when he informed me of that??? Just use your imagination. Anyway, by the time he started working on me I couldn't feel a damn thing...from my upper lip down I might as well of been dead. The only joy that I received out of the entire ordeal was when I apparently bit the man....I guess I got his finger pretty hard, but then again I couldn't tell what my mouth was doing. Serves the bastard right. After all was said and done, they decided to do some x-rays which meant that I had to bite down into a notch on this one machine. Yeah try biting into a notch when you're numb; it's like the biggest challenge ever. Not only did I have to do this once, but twice because the nurse didn't do the x-ray right the first time. Great day gets better. Once the x-rays were developed, they dropped the bomb of all bombs on me. They are now telling me that I am going to need my wisdom teeth out...not in a couple years, but now...right now. Not because they are bothering me or anything, but they might, and heaven forbid I have problems with them when I'm overseas. Damn overseas. So I had an appointment for a consultation with an oral surgen on Thursday...yeah that's right, the dentist claims they are going to need surgery. That makes two surgeries (tonsils are coming out on Nov. 5th) that I have to have before my birthday when I am insuranceless. DO YOU UNDERSTAND MY FRUSTRATION??? Well, I'm not giving in that easy...the Corps will be getting a call from me tomorrow and I will get out of this any way that I can.
This's really getting to the point that I am wondering if all of this is worth it.
Oh yeah, and I just shot up by the dentist at 11:00 and didn't regain feeling in my until 3:00....I don't think that's supposed to happen, but I could be wrong.
Why me?
Ever feel like your life is just one big joke and God must be kidding?