Goodnight it's been a long time since I wrote and I'm sorry to say that I won't be writing a whole lot right now either....the oldest bro and his wifey are here so I shouldn't spend all of my time mindlessly typing on the computer.
My days have been filled pretty much with waking up at the crack of dawn, going to work where it can either be heaven or hell depending on who is in my office at the time, then I come home, sleep for about 30 minutes until my brother gets home from work, and then we generally have a therapy session followed by dinner and then a trip to the mall and hours of TV before bed. And the cycle continues....
One good thing--the girlfriend that I hate is now no more. The B#$%@ got the boot and I am now spending alot of time telling the brother just what a horrible person she is in the hopes that he will learn to hate her just as much in time. We'll see how my plan unfolds.
The EX can die and burn in the pits of Hades for all I care. Bastards of all bastards. One day recently he came up to my office and like always, wouldn't talk to me...nothing unusual. I then pushed the issue simply to be a jerk and he claimed that he didn't talk to me because he had nothing to say. He then proceeded to bring up the issue of the infamous e-mail that I sent him nearly 3 months ago. Apparently that e-mail was just as effective as I had hope. Aha! He shouldn't have let me know that piece of info. He returned to his office, printed off this e-mail (which he had saved...aha!) and came storming back up. Throwing the piece of paper in front of me, my eyes were drawn to the highlighted section which simply said, "I am not looking for a friend like you." For whatever reason, that was hard for him to understand. My reply to his watchful eyes was--"yeah, what's your point?" That was a killer!!! We then 'discussed' the fact that I don't need or want a friend who has treated me as bad as he has. Not complicated. Since that 'discussion' we have barely even looked at each other. This was all fine and good with me until the freaking bastard began pursuing an 18 yr. old blonde chic who's new in our building. He's 27 for the love of God!!!! I never thought that at the age of 21 I would feel like old news. That bastard....oh well, in reality it effects me very little. The little chicady had better watch herself because she is likely to become like me once he gets through with her. Then we can hate him together. Wont' that be fun.
Why me?
Ever feel like your life is just one big joke and God must be kidding?