I would just like to also give a shout out to MDJ who seems to be one of the only people who reads my blog...hope this catches you up on the basics of my life!!!
Why me?
Ever feel like your life is just one big joke and God must be kidding?
Thursday, May 08, 2003
This afternoon SPAM and I were napping for a lack of anything better to do. I had not quite fallen asleep when I suddenly opened my eyes to find the room in complete darkness. I tilted my head to the side thinking I could hear an alarm of some sort, and then I got that feeling---you know the one when you can just tell there is danger and all the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. I jumped down out of bed, ran to the window, threw it open and the ear-piercing sound of g-ville's very own tornado siren met my ears. SPAM jumped out of bed at that point and we ran outside...not in fear, but because we wanted to see the tornado. Psycho, I know but it's one of my dying wishes!
I had a final presentation in my counseling class today which consisted of merely showing a video in which I was being counseled by a class member, and another in which I was the counselor. There is a slight chance that members in my class now think that I am crazy. This is due to the fact that I expressed a minor amount of hatred towards my brother's girlfriend and threatened to kill her if they get married and she leaves him. That's not psycho is it?
Everyone should be very proud of me for the simple fact that I ate with MY FRESHMAN at dinner tonight and didn't even freak out. Not only did I not freak out, I didn't even get butterflies! I have come a long way.
Finally, I have a confession....today TOYA and I stole an expensive looking flyer of a campus band that I like---they have cute boys in the group, what can I say. I'm afraid that they may be alittle pissed off now simply because I am hurting their promotions, but then again they'll never know it was me!!! I am so bad.
So it has been some time since I wrote last and, of course, you might be thinking that my life must have hit a dry period...oh contrare (SP?). The never-ending drama has been in full swing, let me assure you.
The main thing that has happened since I last wrote is that I have 'broken up' with my best friend SMURFETTE; I use the term 'broke up' because that is basically what it was. I felt like I was in some sort of junior high drama where two best friends suddenly decided that they would rather claw each other's eyes out than hang out and watch movies. You know I honestly believe that there are times when people just simply need to part ways; people change and therfore compatability changes. We are definitely not compatable, and now that I look back I recognize that we were perhaps never really. It's just, I don't know...I guess my eyes were just finally opened to the reality of the person that she was, and I didn't want to be a part of that reality anymore. I will end with that...
This past weekend I attended the fabulous GC sponsored Agape Music Festival, and actually had a general good time. There were only about 5 bands which I actually wanted to hear, but it was a weekend of relaxing and reuniting. Probably an hour after we arrived at the fairgrounds SPAM came running up to me, breathless, claiming to have spotted SATAN among the crowd. Low and behold there the bastard was in all his glory. He seemed excited to see me--gave me a hug, whispered some inappropriate things into my ear--the usual. Initially I felt really cool because he was with his hot little bro, and they both looked like they belonged to one of the bands that would be performing. People stared and I felt special. Needless to say, after about 20 minutes, I had had enough of following him around like a puppy dog and left him for bigger and better things. It drove him nuts all night every time he saw me, and I was just like 'hey' and walked away. Power and control are amazing things. Why am I just learning this? Long story short, I avoided him....no wait, I didn't pay any special attention to him for the rest of the festival. It was great. I later received a v-mail with him asking why we hadn't hung out and that he missed me...blah blah blah. Today he messaged me on the computer and apologized all over himself for whatever he had done to make me not want to hang out with him. This boy is too easy to play, and I'm too good.
As a side note, I stole a VIP pass which SATAN had obtained which gave me full access to an private interview session with my boys, Switchfoot. Oh how I longed for the nerve to ask any one of them a question, but I didn't. This does not, however, lessen my chances at marrying Tim. As far as I'm concerned, this is our third personal encounter--the beginning of a beautiful relationship:o)
The DD thing...yeah we're ok. I have my closure I think. The other night he stopped by the window on his bike, and we talked for a bit. Gave me a ride around G-ville and it was just nice--comfortable. That's probably what sucks the most about him...we can not talk for a long time and I can claim to hate him, but when we're together it just works. Two sweet things about the evening (and don't gag or call me ridiculous) I had my hair pulled back and at first he asked me if I had gotten it cut and then followed up by saying that it looked nice. Second thing, as we were riding around, he asked if I remembered one time last year when we had been out riding and had raced one of his friends....I guess just the fact that he remembers things that we have done makes me feel like things were important to him too... I'm a dumb girl I know.