Update on the Ben & Jen interview that had me glued to the TV for an hour--all in all it was interesting but I give their marriage (if they actually get married) about 9 months tops.
So for all of you who don't know, my brother T just bought my absolute favorite car--an Audi TT. Now that some of the novelty has worn off I cannot speak of it with nearly as much passion as two weeks ago, but needless to say, this car is sweet. The day that my brother bought it, he drove it out to my grandparents where I was baking and let me drive it home along while he drove the cabi back for me. Is that not brotherly love? I realize that I am ridiculous, but I could barely contain the emotion as I made that drive. I'm not gonna lie, I got alittle misty. We are big pimpin now....everyone looks at us when we are out not simply because of our good looks, oh no, now we have a sweet ride. Life is good--sometimes.
Perhaps you are wondering what has been going on with the Ex as of late....well I have officially made it my life goal to ruin his. Sounds good right. And yeah I'm a b&$@* but hey, he screwed me up real bad. Yesterday the bastard informed me that I "never stuck around long enough to experience his magic touch." Dirty pervert. My response was something snide like, "I'm glad that I missed that experience..." Seriously who does he think he is? Today apparently while I was out of the office running errands, he and the new P.O. (my rumored new man--not true) got into it. Now I would expect the Ex to attack the P.O. while I'm around simply to piss me off...but for them to get into it while I'm gone...wow. I wasn't given full details, but I do know that there were references made to the P.O. and I dating and the fact that at least he would spend money on me unlike the Ex. It all seems like good fun, but there is definitely a level of tension and I truly believe that the Ex is jealous....but of nothing!! My life......sigh. I came back to the office at the tail end of this discussion only to have another guy who works in another office and who apparently has quite the thing for me come in. This sent everything into a tail spin because all three guys were like...I don't know...weird. Sigh....
My bro's whorish ex-girlfriend came home this weekend. Oh joy. I knew I was in for a real treat when he informed me that he had invited her over for Sunday lunch with the two of us. For nearly an hour as they cooked, I didn't say a word or even acknowledge her existence. She knows she's not welcome here, especially if I am around. Finally we sat down to eat and, to break the silence she said, "Did he tell you that I quit my job?" The little ho worked for two days and a two day a week job, 9-5 and she quit because, and I quote, "it was too hard for too little pay." That lazy piece of s*%#. She hasn't had a job in the 8 months that I have known her. You tell what is so hard about working an 16 hour a week job when you have nothing else to do anyway. Instead of snapping at her, I bit my tongue and said nothing as my brother looked on in terror because he knew the ammunition she had just given me. Oh how I loath her. Mark my words, she will regret the day she ever stepped foot into this house. Am I bitter? You decide...
Why me?
Ever feel like your life is just one big joke and God must be kidding?