Saturday, May 31, 2003

P.S. I have a new celli, so e-mail me for the #

I could just throw up right now....I want to cry....this weekend I decided to take on the task of clearing out all of my saved e-mails from both my g-ville and hotmail accounts and move them to my new account ( All went well until I tried to get into my hotmail account where I had hundreds of important personal emails neatly organized in folders which I desperately wanted to keep, and the screen in front of me informed me that my account had been deactivate and whiped clean. Do you understand my heartache!!!! I can't believe this.....

Thursday, May 29, 2003

Oh the working world...gotta love it.

So today was only my third day of work and already I am spent and ready to throw in the towel. I don't know if I am cut out for this 'real world' thing we call a job. Alright so I'm ridiculous, but seriously...I have nothing to look forward to this summer--no going back to school in a few months, no nothing--just years and years of labor day in and day out to follow. Life sucks.

The EX hasn't been too much trouble yet, which is the only blessing. I think he may be scared of me. Cool. When he walked in my office on my first day, the look on his face was priceless. Guess he didn't get the memo that I would once again be gracing the office with my summer help. He spent nearly the next half hour in the office never once looking at me and of course not speaking. Finally, feeling like I had the upper hand, I said, "What? I don't even get a 'hello'?" From then on we conversed spiradically, but it was obvious to me that it wasn't the most comfortable thing for him. I love being in the drivers' seat for once with him. God this feels good. The next morning he came in and said hello to everyone individually making a point to leave me for last and then to act as if he had overlooked me. The little prick actually still thinks these stupid games affect me! HA! Well have I got news for him. NEWS FLASH:............NICOLE DOESN'T GIVE A FLIPPIN' HOOT!....

My boss gave me a front door key yesterday to get into our building since we have to be at work at 7:30 and the people who unlock the building don't even make it in until 8:00. Now getting this key is like my right of passage from just a little girl who works during the summer, to like a regular employee. We're talking serious stuff when keys are handed out. When I got to work this morning I was so proud to have been give this prized possession...I walked up to the door, put the key in, and you know what---damn thing didn't work. I was played for a fool. Apparently I will have a new key tomorrow...bastards.

Now lets talk about parking at office is downtown which means that you can either park on the streets for 2 hours or pay $30/mon. to park in designated lots. Being the frugal person that I am, I opt not to pay for parking. Well last year another guy in my office and I parked in a 2 hour lot outside of the courthouse mainly because a judge told us that we could. You don't mess with the judges here. Assuming that this arrangement would be the same this year, even though a new judge has been elected, I have continued to park in this lot...thinking once again--I'm special. That special feeling lasted all of two days. I was visited by a deputy today who informed me that I will no longer be allowed to park there. Instead, I have to park 7 blocks away in the free parking which is free because you have to walk so frickin' far, and they feel sorry for you!!!! BASTARDS!!!! Granted I am young, but still, should I really be subjected to being treated like everyone else??? Guess so....welcome to the real world.

Monday, May 26, 2003

More than a week ago I graduated from college. Four years of blood, sweat, and tears--over. You would think that perhaps I would be somewhat emotional about such a big experience, especially since I at least used to be your typical emotional girl. Oh emotion whatsoever. I have been warned that the finality of graduating won't kick in though until September or so, when I would normally be heading back to school. You know that's a wonderful thing to be looking forward to--weeks of weeping not now, but three months from now. That'll be great. Now I just have to face three months, at least of living at home and working in Hell with the EX. Oh what a summer!

This weekend I flew to Chi-town by myself and let me just say that I feel so old and independent. You know you're ridiculous when you get a rush of independence from walking around a busy airport alone basically because you have no friends to travel with. I suppose in a few years the independence will be replaced with loneliness when the novelty wears off.

So the summer of fun that I had planned with my brother who just moved home to get back on his feet, has gone down the tubes. I thought that getting away from school meant getting away from drama...oh contrare. Well turns out he's having alot of trouble with the g/f who I hate. All in all this is a good thing for me since I hate her, but in reality it sucks because it's not about me. I'm learning that about most things. Anyway, Thursday, the fam sat down to dinner and BRO just started crying. Now I'm not talking misting over, I am talking real tears streaming down his face. The next morning he up and drove to NY to be with his college friends for support since I was not going to be around for the weekend to be his 24-7 counselor. Yesterday he called from NY again in tears saying that the g/f, who went to Nashville to visit a friend, is not coming back--seriously. At this point she'd better never come home because I will kick her @$% if she does. Looks like I am going to have to be the supporter this summer which is not a role I am excited about taking on. For once I just want a break.

At least I have spending the next three months with the EX to look forward to....Isn't life grand. I'm going to kill myself I know it.

Sunday, May 25, 2003

Alright so I realize that I promised that I would stay on top of my blogging, but I have failed as I have with many other aspects of my life. There will be no blogging tonight other than to say that I just spent the weekend in Rockford, Illi at the Gipp/Fisher wedding, and will write tomorrow after I have gotten alittle sleepytime.